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Using Start-up Research Funds

Mihoko Yamada, Assistant Professor, Division of Materials Science Photonic and Reactive Molecular Science Laboratory(Kawai Lab.)

I arrived at the university in 2018, and after my arrival, I learned about the start-up research fund. The research fund was used to purchase equipment such as spectrometers, which can also be used by lab members, and to pay for the personnel costs of a technical assistant. My research requires a lot of time and effort to first create the compounds that will be used as research materials, and since research cannot begin without this, it was very helpful to have a person who could consistently come three times a week to do this work.
The research done by the technical assistant and the student I supervised from the first year of my appointment yielded good data that we were able to present at a conference and summarize in this year's master's thesis. It took a long time to synthesize the data, but we are now ready to start writing the thesis. I think having someone to work with has been a great motivator for the students as well.
Because of the time it took to hire a technical assistant and the training period required, we needed to be able to secure a budget over a period of time to hire someone. Therefore, I think it was very good that the period during which research funds could be used was extended to two years.
(March 2020)

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